Enter the secret code to rescue your Dash robot!
In this challenge, you will create a secret code game to play with Dash!
The PDF Activity Guide includes keys you can use to see examples of the programs.
Level 1
Enter the first code (1 button) to disarm the alarm on the robot. If you push the wrong button, Dash’s alarm should go off
Try these behaviors and cues:
Level 2
Enter the second code (2 buttons in the correct order) to bring the robot back to life.
Try these behaviors and cues:
Level 3
Enter the third code (3 buttons in the correct order) to hear the robot’s secret message.
Try these behaviors and cues:
When Dash senses motion or sound, the alarm goes off! Disarm it before the beeps stop by pushing buttons 3-1-2 and the top button!
Program: Security Bot
Wonder key: xioj
From Adrian, Age 11, California
Show the world your skills. Ask a trusted adult to take a video of your robot completing the challenge and share with us on social #WonderWorkshop.