Build functioning arms for your robot.
Make sure these three things on your Gripper are correct and you’re ready to play!
Download FileLearn how the Gripper functions using gears and a ball and socket joint.
Program Keys:
Load these keys and try out these programs!
Wonder | Dash: 8g4w | Cue: im7m
Wonder | Dash: khnk | Cue: ynp9
DIY Paper Cube Templates:
Download these templates to create your own paper cubes for the Gripper. Choose from three designs:
Check these three things on your Gripper and you’re ready to play!
1. Make sure the Building Brick Connectors are snapped into place.
2. Align the gears so that the arms are straight.
3. Check that the linkage is connected to the right spot.
Customize Your Grip:
Rotate the rubber tips 90° to better grip something thin like paper.